Here at the lanes and the mixed final is just finishing up. Practice for the singles should start in 25 minutes.
Connectivity is spotty at best, but I'm going to try my best.
Kim has arrived and the mixed teams are in the last frame.
Ontario mixed beats Saskatchewan twice to win gold!
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All the competitors are dressed in stylish black slacks work some in black skirts (Nina and Helene)
As you can see in set up for the first game and of course they are going to practice easy over on the other end.
Kim opens with a head pin for 15.Sandi plunks a right deuce and spares it up Sandi plunks a left 3, plunks the head pin, and takes 13.
Kim punches a head pin in 2, and takes 12. Kim 27, S31.Kim missed left and spares it up.
Sandi throws 2 through the left 3 pin and cleans it up. K42, s46 Sandi strikes
Kim misses right, plugs the head pin and cleans it up. K62, S61Kim strikes.
Sandi throws 2 more for a turkey, Kim gets a right, misses and takes 15. K105, S136 Kim misses left. and again, Kim takes 15
Sandi misses left, takes 8, counts 13. Frame 7: Sandi 167, Kim 120
Sandi punches, almost spares the head pin, and counts 10
Kim punches, takes the right, and counts 15.Frame 8 177-135Kim strikes.
Sandi closes it out in 9 and 10
Sandi threw 3 strikes and a right for 265, Kim throws a left corner spares it and counts 13 for 185